Upcoming Events/Concerts

🎷 Band 🎺

We are very fortunate to have Mr. Ron Bowman teaching our band courses. Mr. Bowman has been teaching at Castillero Middle School since 2009 and is an experienced music teacher and conductor. He has a Master's in Conducting from the American Band College of Sam Houston State and a Master's in Music Performance from University of Southern California.


We are so excited to share the school year with new and old friends and families! It will be an incredible year of music, performances, and unique learning opportunities. There are five band groups at Castillero Middle School that can participate in school concerts, community performances and spring music festivals:

  • Three classic ensembles: beginning, concert, and symphonic bands
  • Two jazz ensembles: jazz lab and jazz band

For additional questions, contact your band teacher Mr. Ron Bowman at rbowman@sjusd.org.

NOTE: We are currently looking for a band representative, so if you are interested, please contact Mr. Bowman or cmbcwebmgr@gmail.com


To see past concert performances, please check out the CMBC YouTube channel!