Upcoming Events/Concerts


Here is where you will find volunteering opportunities for all classes. Your class representative can post here and send notifications through our CMBC mailing lists about forthcoming opportunities. As you become more involved in your student’s program here at Castillero, please consider volunteering - our program is driven by parental participation, and we couldn't organize or present all the concerts, events, and activities without YOUR help.


These are the wonderful parents who are this year's class representatives for our programs:

PLEASE NOTE: All families and community members must follow the SJUSD process detailed below in order to volunteer on campus and at school sanctioned events.


CMBC board Positions

The CMBC Board currently has an open co-fundraising board position and is also actively looking for a band representative for the 2024-2025 school year. Also, the communications board position and current orchestra representative will graduate out at the end of this school year, so if you are interested in taking over next year, we'd love to have you get involved now and learn the ropes!


To learn more about CMBC and these positions, please contact us at cmbcpresident@gmail.com.


Volunteers needed for upcoming events

  • None, check back later for updates!

SJUSD process for New Volunteers

If this is your first time volunteering for San José Unified:

  1. Review San José Unified Volunteer Policies

  2. Complete the online application

  3. Send required documents to volunteer@sjusd.org

  4. Get fingerprinted with San José Unified

All volunteers must have the following:

  • TB clearance that is valid for the entire school year

  • Fingerprint/background check clearance

After completing the online application, you will receive an email with instructions on next steps. You will be invited to complete fingerprinting with San José Unified after you have satisfied the other volunteer requirements. San José Unified will send an email confirmation once you are cleared to volunteer.


If you have any questions, please contact SJUSD Human Resources at (408) 535-6139 ext. 15030 or volunteer@sjusd.org.


SJUSD process for Returning Volunteers

All volunteers must complete this process each year:

  1. Complete the online application
  2. Send required documents to volunteer@sjusd.org

San José Unified will send an email confirmation once you are cleared to volunteer.


If you have any questions, please contact SUJSD Human Resources at (408) 535-6139 ext. 15030 or volunteer@sjusd.org.


For more SJUSD info regarding volunteering, see the San José Unified School District website.