Upcoming Events/Concerts



Name: Arielle

Grade: 8th

Level: Symphonic Band/Jazz Band

Instrument: Flute/Oboe


How long have you been playing?

5 or more yrs


What sparked your interest in playing this instrument?

Oboe: there weren't any oboe players in band

Flute: it just seemed cool


What is your favorite musical piece that you've played?

Cinema Paradiso or Disney at the movies


What type of music do you most like to play and why?

Disney music


What is giving/gave you the most trouble while learning, and what advice would you give to others having similar difficulties?

Oboe: I had difficulties trying to make it in tune - reeds are SO fragile

Flute: I had difficulties with counting


Any words of wisdom or encouragement for your peers?

“Practice makes permanent” - Mr.Bowman