Upcoming Events/Concerts

CMBC Scholarship Fund

The Castillero Middle School band, choir, and orchestra music programs, under the direction of our wonderful teachers, allow for musical learning opportunities to all students in the school. All instructional books, music, instruments, strings, bows, reeds, repairs, and other general items are provided to students free of charge. There is no monthly fee - every student receives a musical instrument for the school year, as well as the summer months if continuing at Castillero Middle School the following year. Although the school district provides some financial support to make this possible, the majority of funds to support the general, yearly program costs is raised directly by the programs themselves, in the form of donations from parents/community, corporate matching, and annual fundraising concerts.


Besides daily instruction and performing in school concerts, students are also provided opportunities to attend field trips, clinics, and music festivals, regardless of their ability to afford it. The Castillero Music Booster Club (CMBC) is an umbrella organization of volunteer parents and teachers working together to provide organizational, logistical, and additional financial support to our musical directors and their students. CMBC runs several fundraising events to help cover the large costs of the programs, especially the field trips, clinics, and music festivals, which are on top of the general, yearly costs. It is our policy to provide financial aid to families in need so that every student can participate, regardless of their ability to pay. Each year, we give a significant amount of aid to those families in need, and we hope to continue this every year. All scholarship awards are based on financial need.


Please consider donating to the CMBC Scholarship Fund to support those families and students who would otherwise not be able to afford to participate in events outside of the school. Your gift helps share the gift of music with our students most in need. If your company has a Corporate Matching Program, see if it will match a portion or all of your donation. CMBC is a 501(c) Nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax deductible.


Thank you for your generosity!


Castillero Music Booster Club (may be referred to as the Castillero Vocal Booster Club, its prior name)

6384 Leyland park Drive San Jose, CA 95120

Tax ID No. 770231151