Donations to CMBC

The financial health of CMBC depends heavily on your generous contribution. We are a 501(c) Nonprofit organization, and any amount of donation can be considered a charitable contribution and will be very much appreciated. CMBC manages funds donated to the program in order to support Castillero Middle School's music programs, including the acquisition of music, instruments, and accessories, hiring accompanists and mentors, and paying for instrument repairs. Donations can be to CMBC in general or to the individual band, choir, and/or orchestra programs.


If making a donation, please check to see if your company has a Corporate Matching Program which will match all or a portion of your donation. This way you can maximize your donations to CMBC! You can see if CMBC is part of your company's matchable organizations by looking up our non-profit information:


Castillero Music Booster Club (may be referred to as the Castillero Vocal Booster Club, its prior name)

6384 Leyland park Drive San Jose, CA 95120

Tax ID No. 770231151


If donating to a specific program (band, choir, or orchestra) through your company, please specify which program and instructor the donation is going to, so it gets directed to the correct program.

If there is no matching program, you can donate directly via our CMBC page here:


CMBC Fundraisers

CMBC Fundraisers benefit the program as a whole, such as program trips for students and performances outside of our school campus. Funds raised also are used to offer scholarships to students that cannot afford such activities. In addition, CMBC supports and covers some music program costs, including the hiring of mentors and accompanists, acquisition of music, instruments and accessories, and paying for instrument repairs. 


Your program representatives will also hold fundraisers specifically for the band, choir and orchestra programs.

Current Fundraiser


This year, CMBC is starting a new holiday fundraiser with See's Candies! CMBC will receive 20% of the profits made from any online orders via our special link:


This is a great way to gift family and friends with a special treat for the holidays! Feel free to share this link or the QR code with friends and families. All orders must be made by Friday, December 6th, and will directly be shipped to customers. Thank you for your support!

Past Fundraiser

2024 Annual Poinsettia Plant Sale


Special fundraiser to benefit Castillero Music Programs


Get a headstart on your holiday decorating with gorgeous, locally-grown poinsettias direct from Headstart Nursery's greenhouses! These beautiful, vibrant poinsettias are the easiest way to get your home or business ready for the holiday season. They also make wonderful gifts! This is always popular, and we typically sell out every year!


All poinsettias are a deep red color, grown in 6½” pots with festive red pot covers. All poinsettias are sleeved for protection during shipment. Plants are available for just $15 per plant, and all proceeds benefit the Castillero Music Booster Club and program trips for students. Orders must be turned in by October 28, 2024!


Poinsettias are currently planned to be distributed/picked up on December 2nd, 2024, at 3pm at Castillero Middle School by the tennis courts. If this changes, you will be informed via email and announcements. We cannot hold plants - they must be picked up!


Poinsettia's can be ordered online via the Registration/Payments page or directly from here.