Upcoming Events/Concerts



Name: Ryan

Grade: 8th

Level: Avant/Chamber

Instrument: Bass


How long have you been playing?

3-4 yrs


What sparked your interest in playing this instrument?

My brother did orchestra and I wanted to do it also. I just thought it would sound cool to play an instrument and maybe start a pathway to something bigger.

What is your favorite musical piece that you've played?

Probably Green Onions by Booker T. Washington, Chicken Foot Transplant by Bo Diddley, and Urban Concerto Grosso by Brian Balmages.


What type of music do you most like to play and why?

I really like Jazz because I like that usually we have to use pizz (pizzicato). Plus, I just really like the sound of Jazz!


What is giving/gave you the most trouble while learning, and what advice would you give to others having similar difficulties?

For me, one of the hardest things is rhythm, and the best thing to figure it out is just go slow and listen to other parts and see if they have the same rhythm/part. And make sure you have a buddy to do it with.

Any words of wisdom or encouragement for your peers?

Here's a quote: “It does not matter how slow you go as long as you don’t stop” - Confucius. This just means don’t stop until you reach your goal and don’t give up no matter how slow and hard stuff gets.